韓国の人気ヒップホップ・アイドル・グループ、BTS(防弾少年団)がセカンド・ミニ・アルバムをリリース!『Skool Luv Affair』と題する今作のテーマは、その名の通り10代の恋物語。初々しい少年のイメージからタフな大人の男へと、変貌を遂げつつある彼らにぴったりのコンセプトの10曲が収録されている。115ページのブックレットとフォトカード1枚(グループ2種より1種+メンバー別7種より1種の組合せをランダム封入)付き。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2014/02/05)
The second EP from K-pop crew BTS, Skool Luv Affair closed the groups school trilogy with a rap-heavy bang. Further refining their sound as they continued their steady rise to world domination, the ten-track effort featured fan favorites like Intro: Skool Luv Affair -- which got a second life at the end of the decade with Intro: Persona -- and the booming Boy in Luv. As a showcase for their rap skills, tracks such as BTS Cypher Pt.2: Triptych and Spine Breaker find the boys at a stage where they hadnt yet started the transition to a more polished, dance-pop sound, still retaining the scrappy underdog spirit that endeared them to fans in the first place. Originally released in early 2014, the set was reissued for fans in late 2020 and peaked just outside the Top Ten on the Billboard 200. ~ Neil Z. Yeung