Rolling Stone - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "A boy hero to indie-rock fans who prize delicately demented pop, Mac DeMarco has the casual grace of early Beck, bringing a shambolic scuzz to the creamy sounds of Seventies soft rock."
Spin - "[T]he title track is pretty much the platonic ideal of Mac's current era, an exploration of self-defeating jealousy and distrust laid out on top of a slowly unspooling guitar line. The lyrics are poignant and simple."
Alternative Press - 4 stars out of 5 -- "The first three tracks, 'The Way You'd Love Her', 'Another One', and 'No Other Heart' kick the album off with welcome additions to the ever growing canon of Mac's quirky crooning."
Paste (magazine) - "[A]t no point throughout the whole outing does he lose out on poignancy because of his emphasis on simplicity."
Clash (Magazine) - "[I]t explores the many facets of being in a relationship, from the jealous insecurities of the title track through to the affirmative pop of 'I've Been Waiting For Her', it's Mac at his most lackadaisical."
過去2作からのデモ音源集が発表されるなど、2015年も追い風の止まないマック・デマルコ。オール新録による8曲入りの本EPは、出世作『Salad Days』の路線を継承しつつ、さらに甘く切ないメロディーが堪能できる。敬愛するジョナサン・リッチマン風のペナペナなギターとロマンティックなヴォーカル──相変わらずおバカなキャラクターとは裏腹に、シンガー・ソングライターとしての成長を見せつけたスルー厳禁の一枚だ。
bounce (C)志磨雅人