
Is The Is Are






在庫状況 について


フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2016年02月21日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルCaptured Tracks
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 CT231
SKU 817949011703

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 01:03:19
Audio Mixers: Daniel Schlett; Kurt Feldman. Recording information: Gary's electric; Kurt's House; Strange Weather Studios; The Bunker Studios. Photographer: Hidemasa Miyake. Considering the troubles DIIV went through after the release of their debut album Oshin -- chief among them Zachary Cole Smith's 2013 arrest for drug possession -- it's somewhat miraculous that they made another album, much less one as consistently good as Is the Is Are. Over the course of 17 songs (just a handful of the over 150 demos Smith wrote), DIIV finds salvation through ambition, with Smith using his mistakes as a crucible for his art. While artists shouldn't have to suffer for their work, there is something alchemical about turning pain into beauty; Is the Is Are has plenty of both. Cliched as it may sound, hardship seems to have given DIIV's prettiness more depth. "Out of Mind" opens the album with a glassy, fragile insistence reminiscent of Deerhunter, another band skilled in transforming ugly feelings and situations into beautiful songs. Elsewhere, DIIV blends grunge's cathartic power with shoegaze's impressionistic, transporting qualities, surrounding listeners with Smith's angst rather than forcing it on them: The echo and reverb on "Take Your Time" suggest lingering feelings of loss and regret that grow ominous on "Yr Not Far." Even when Smith tips his hand more, murmuring "I left you with a pretty big mess" on "Bent (Roi's Song)" or "You made a believer out of me" on "Mire (Grant's Song)," he still leaves space for listeners to impart their own emotions on these songs. Indeed, several of Is the Is Are's most dynamic moments come at the hands of others. Sky Ferreira injects "Blue Boredom" with some of Kim Gordon's aloof danger, while "Dust"'s opening lyric ("the only way to be quiet is to be quick") quotes poet Frank O'Hara; another poet, Frederick Deming, crafted the album's syntax-defying title, which sums up its searching feel and shifting states of being within these songs perfectly. This indefinite quality makes Is the Is Are more interesting than a lot of more obvious soul-bearing, particularly on songs like the chiming "Healthy Moon," which suggests that catharsis doesn't have to be grim. Even without DIIV's backstory, it's easy to hear the band's growth since the Oshin days. "Under the Sun" boasts a stronger spine than many of their songs, as well as a jaunty, angular riff that rivals Echo & the Bunnymen's finest. The title track, which was inspired by Neu!'s "Hallogallo," incorporates DIIV's fondness for Krautrock more organically and excitingly than before, evoking the sustained tension of a dream about falling. Meanwhile, on "Loose Ends," they pay homage to generations of brilliant guitar bands while claiming their own place in that legacy. Here and throughout Is the Is Are, DIIV reveal themselves as a more thoughtful, more rewarding band than could have been expected from their debut. ~ Heather Phares

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Out of Mind
    2. 2.
      Under the Sun
    3. 3.
      Bent (Roi's Song)
    4. 4.
    5. 5.
      Blue Boredom (Sky's Song) - (featuring Sky Ferreira)
    6. 6.
    7. 7.
      Yr Not Far
    8. 8.
      Take Your Time
    9. 9.
      Is the is Are
    10. 10.
      Mire (Grant's Song)
    11. 11.
      Incarnate Devil
    12. 12.
    13. 13.
      Healthy Moon
    14. 14.
      Loose Ends
    15. 15.
    16. 16.
    17. 17.
      Waste of Breath


アーティスト: Diiv

アーティスト: Sky Ferreira

エンジニア: Daniel Schlett


衝撃デビューとなった前作から約4年。マック・デマルコと双璧をなすCaptured Tracksの秘蔵っ子ザカリー・コール・スミス率いるDIIV (ダイヴ)の2ndアルバムが遂に完成!今作『Is the Is Are』は前作リリース後のツアー中から練られた楽曲を、ロサンゼルスの倉庫を2ヶ月借りて形作り、2015年の3月にブルックリンでレコーディング。それまでにスミスは300もの楽曲を制作し、今作にはその中から厳選した17曲を収録されています。すでに先行配信されているシングル"Dopamine"ではDIIVらしい疾走感のある軽やかなギターと、爽やかなヴォーカルが健在。彼ら独特のキラキラとした存在感に、今作ではよりシューゲイズらしさのあるノイジーなギターやサイケデリックな浮遊感が加わり、スミス曰く"このアルバムを完成させるまで死ぬ事はできない....このアルバムの制作はいままでの人生で最も重要な事となる"と発言する通りDIIVの最高傑作と言える作品が完成しました。5曲目"Blue Boredom"にはスカイ・フェレイラが参加。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2016/01/15)

Spin - "Smith's vocals are finally allowed to peek over the fuzzy fractal spiderwebs of his and fellow guitarist Andrew Bailey's lead work. And the void lurking behind these songs only seems more threatening now that its craggy edges are more clearly delineated." NME (Magazine) - "[T]hese are some of the most powerful, personal and persuasive rock songs you'll hear this year." NME (Magazine) - "[T]hese are some of the most powerful, personal and persuasive rock songs you'll hear this year." Paste (magazine) - "The record as a whole is a listen that's both inviting and challenging, and it seems like it's one that'll keep returning rewards for a long time." Clash (Magazine) - "With soundscapes that are as expansive as they are immersive, DIIV brandish an immediately infectious brand of melodic dream pop, underpinned by pounding drums and the band's signature guitar attack."

何かと話題のザッカリー・コール・スミスによるソロ・プロジェクトが、4年ぶりに新作を投下しました! 得意のサーフ・ロックに、キュアーっぽい耽美な音飾とシューゲイザー由来のエコーを加え、さらにネオアコ好きをキュン死させるほど(!?)メロディーの甘酸っぱさも強化! 恋仲のスカイ・フェレイラが客演した"Blue Boredom"など淡く儚い青春ローファイ・ポップで、マック・デマルコのお株を奪います!
bounce (C)中井幹代


Is the Is Are|CDアルバム
2020/04/28 umiusagiさん

