ベテラン・レゲエシンガー、ベレス・ハモンドが1976年に放ったファーストアルバムにして名盤『Soul Reggae』が復刻。
Zap Pow(ザッポウ)のヴォーカリストを経てソロとして初めてリリースした本作は、名ギタリストとしても知られるウィリー・リンド・プロデュースによるソウルフルなラヴァーズ・ロック・アルバム。マーヴィン・ゲイやアイズレー・ブラザーズを彷彿とさせるような、フィリーソウルの香り漂うロマンティックな極上のソウルフルなレゲエ・アルバムとなっている。
PRODUCED BY: Willie Lindo
MIXED BY: Steven Stanley, Willie Lindo
MIXED AT: Aquarius ENGINEERED BY: Errol Ross
BACKING VOCALS: Cynthia Schloss, Cynthia Richards, Merlyn Brooks, Ernest Wilson BASS: Val Douglas, Art McLeod
DRUMS: Boo Richards GUITAR: Willie Lindo, Robert Johnson, Clarence Wears
ALTO SAX: Cedric Brooks
TENOR SAX: Cedric Brooks, Glen DaCosta, Carlton Samuels
TROMBONE: Joe McCormack
TRUMPET: David Madden, Jackie Willacy, Nathan Breckenridge
PIANO: Harold Butler ORGAN: Tyrone Downie
CLAVINET: Robert Lyn
FLUGELHORN: Jackie Willacy
発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/12/18)
There's a reason this album is called Soul Reggae instead of "Reggae Soul." Soul gets top billing because the emphasis is on seductive crooning and beautifully orchestrated '70s R&B, with occasional reggae sprinkled throughout. Gifted vocalist Beres Hammond establishes himself as one of the most soulful Jamaicans this side of Toots Hibbert, yet where Hibbert evokes the gritty style of Otis Redding, Hammond is more reminiscent of the languid yearning of Marvin Gaye and the Isley Brothers. His counterpart on Soul Reggae, guitarist/producer/arranger Willie Lindo, crafts several impressive faux-Philly soul backdrops worthy of the O'Jays (such as the excellent "Don't Wait Too Long") and provides the perfect settings for Hammond's romantic ballads. Unlike classic albums by the O'Jays, Gaye, and the Isleys, however, the love songs are not accompanied by much social commentary. Soul Reggae is practically devoid of political or cultural observations. Even the few songs that feature traditional reggae rhythms and production values forego the genre's expected topics in favor of matters of the heart. Perhaps the lush romanticism causes the Jamaican-influenced tracks to convey a sensibility closer to Johnny Nash than Bob Marley, but it works, because Hammond and Lindo share a passion for the pop and R&B styles they've mastered. By remaining focused on soulful ballads, the duo achieves a fluid consistency that eludes all but the best albums of any genre. Hardcore reggae fans may be disappointed by the heavy R&B content of Soul Reggae, but they'll likely be as impressed by Hammond's evocative, graceful vocals as any fan of '70s soul who discovers this obscure treasure. ~ Vince Ripol