ハイエイタス・カイヨーテ 最新作完成!!
2015年の『Choose Your Weapon』以来、リリースから遠ざかっていた彼らが、フライング・ロータスが主宰し、所属するサンダーキャットがグラミー賞を受賞したことでも大きな話題となっている〈Brainfeeder〉と電撃契約を果たし6年ぶりの最新作『Mood Variant』をリリース!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2021/03/17)
The title of Hiatus Kaiyotes third LP has dual meaning. Its a nod to frontperson Nai Palms mother, who would tip-off her mood by driving either a white (positive) or black (negative) Valiant Safari wagon. Mood Valiant also applies directly to Palm, who in 2018 was diagnosed with breast cancer -- what her mother died from -- and underwent life-saving surgery. At the time, the band were in the middle of making what became Mood Valiant, but Palm was given an all-clear, enabling her to record the albums vocals, by the end of 2019. (She also had to re-learn guitar.) In a real way, the title is also symbolic of the whole band, who were subsequently hamstrung again by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although all this could have resulted in Hiatus Kaiyotes wildest and most triumphant material, Mood Valiant is intimate and romantic more than anything else. Palm more often applies her nature and science references to loved-up fantasies. In Chivalry Is Not Dead, after likening herself to a series of amorous creatures, she goes into overdrive with Electrons in the air on fire, lightning kissing metal/Whisper to the tiny hairs, battery on my tongue. Palm gets straight to the point elsewhere, like in the frictional percussion masterstroke Rose Water, where All of my heart, it wants to hold you shoots forth. The bands playing is as taut as ever, their abrupt changes in key and tempo, and pattering and jittery polyrhythms, further intensifying Palms aflutter poetry. They whip up a tempestuous racket for All the Words We Dont Say, containing Palms most time-seizing performance. The kinks are flattened just enough for Get Sun, a rolling and strutting number befitting early-70s Marvin Gaye with an arrangement from elusive Brazilian wiz Arthur Verocai. Just as crucially, Stone or Lavender is left to just strings and piano framing Palms reassurance that We will get over, only if we wanna. The surface of the whole set sounds slightly scuffed, which has a way of making the material seem a little weathered and even more personal. That peaks with Palms aching rasp on the chorus of Red Room, a self-preservation soul ballad on the level of Georgia Anne Muldrows Roses. Its as if the singer is scratching an itch on the soul of the listener. ~ Andy Kellman
間にネイ・パームのソロやクレヴァー・オースティンなどなどの周辺作品は出ていたものの、実に6年ぶりとなったサード・アルバム。移籍先がブレインフィーダーというのも納得の流れではあるものの、4人がアイデア豊かに編み上げてきた持ち味やオーガニックな美意識はもちろん変わらず。序盤をアグレッシヴに盛り上げる"Chivalry Is Not Dead"のような、かつてエクスペリメンタルなどと形容されていたような賑々しさも当然いいが、今回は比較的オーセンティックな"Red Room"や"Stone Or Lavender"のようなトラディショナルな作法のしなやかな歌唱と素朴な演奏に心を打たれる。なかでもアルトゥール・ヴェロカイがホーン/ストリングス・アレンジを施した"Get Sun"で開けていく視界の美しさよ。
bounce (C)香椎 恵