2021年のアルバム『Sometimes I Might Be Introvert』の世界的ヒットを受け、英国最高峰の音楽賞であるマーキュリー賞を筆頭に、黒人音楽における功績を称える英MOBOアワードや、優れたソングライター・作曲家を称えるアイヴァー・ノヴェロ賞、そして英国最大の音楽賞ブリット・アワードの最優秀新人賞に輝くなど、現在のUKシーンを代表する存在となったリトル・シムズ。大きな飛躍を遂げた勢いそのままに、2022年12月にはデジタル先行でサプライズ・リリースされ再び大きな賞賛を集めていた最新作『NO THANK YOU』が、CDとLPのフォーマットでリリース。
2021年を代表する作品として大いなる成功を収めた前作に対し、今作『NO THANK YOU』は、28歳となったリトル・シムズことシンビアツ・アジカウォが、そのような成功を意にも介さず、己の信念を貫く姿勢を示すものとなっている。艶やかかつストレートで力強い楽曲群は、成功によってもたらされる名声や期待、求められる順応性やあらゆる制限に中指を立てた真にパンクな作品である。再びインフローとタッグを組んだ今作は、リトル・シムズにとって最も自由かつ大胆で、自発的な作品である。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/03/24)
Across the pink-clouded groove of "Angel," Little Simz cuts a cautionary tale of music-industry greed and lessons learned during her rapid ascent within it. Released barely a year after her Mercury Prize-winner, Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, No Thank You is another tightly focused effort that plays out on a slightly smaller scale but with equally satisfying results. Its the London rappers third straight collaboration with producer Inflo (Sault, Michael Kiwanuka), who once again proves to be the perfect foil to her compact and confident rhymes. While there are remnants of Introverts cinematic grandeur -- the dramatic brass and strings of "Silhouette" and "No Merci" -- No Thank You is ultimately a more stripped-down affair, leaving plenty of room for Simzs astute, rapid-fire incantations on mental health and societal frustration. Rarely has she sounded as sharp as on the thrilling "X" or the taut "Heart on Fire," two standouts among many. Amid the anger and disappointment, there is also a celebratory bent, especially on "Gorilla," a master class in witty bravado with an impossibly cool horn-blast fanfare and funky upright bassline. Like her two previous records with Inflo, the music feels fresh and organic, favoring natural drum sounds and classical instrumentation peppered with tasteful modern elements. On the more minimalist end, the drumless "Broken" explores collective trauma as Simz raps against a repeated choral mantra of "Feel youre broken and you dont exist/When you feel broken and you cannot fix it." Likewise, the albums closer, "Control," is essentially an introspective piano ballad that plays like a soulful coda to this incredible trio of albums she has somehow conjured out of a tumultuous four-year period. That Little Simz was able to deliver such a crafty set so soon after the career-making Introvert is impressive enough, but No Thank You stands out for its own merits. ~ Timothy Monger
bounce (C)池谷瑛子