




在庫状況 について

フォーマット LPレコード
発売日 2014年06月17日
国内/輸入 輸入
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 88843053661
SKU 888430536616

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:38:11
Underneath it all, underneath all the keyboards and programmed rhythms designed to bring the music on Xscape into the 21st century, is this simple fact: the lead single, "Love Never Felt So Good," was co-written by Paul Anka, a superstar of another era who never quite made his presence known in the new millennium. Jackson didn't care. MJ loved old show biz and songcraft in equal measure and that love can be heard on "Love Never Felt So Good," along with the other seven songs on XSCAPE. Only the second major posthumous release in his catalog -- he passed in 2009 on the eve of an orchestrated comeback -- Xscape delves deep into that past, excavating songs that have been languishing in the vaults for various reasons since at least 1983 or perhaps later. Exact dates aren't published because Xscape isn't meant to be an archival release, it's designed to push Jackson back onto the charts, which means "Love Never Felt So Good" is constructed as a duet with Justin Timberlake, who is as eager as a puppy to sing with his idol. That he's not really trading lines with MJ doesn't matter; his presence is endorsement, ensuring chart attention which it might not have received. The deluxe edition of Xscape contains the original demos of the eight songs on this album -- it's a short record by any measure -- and, ultimately, these are fascinating in a way the finished tracks aren't; these spare voice and keyboard sketches are nevertheless full-bodied, so it's possible to imagine how the songs would've fit on Bad, Dangerous, or Invincible. Often, the demos reveal how strong Jackson's songwriting is -- they're so flexible, they could withstand any number of arrangements, which is why "Love Never Felt So Good" is so instructive. In its original voice-and-piano arrangement it's possible to hear its glitzy show biz roots via Anka, but the production -- supervised by L.A. Reid and Timbaland -- is clever, accentuating Off the Wall while being spare and clean enough to sound modern. This is especially true of the version of "Love," which is a duet with Justin Timberlake -- the show biz kid is happy to create an illusion -- but the entire affair is savvier than 2010's Michael, which was caught between the twilight of sentiment and commerce. Xscape considers Jackson's legacy quite carefully, deciding to emphasize the splashy soul and diluted disco of Off the Wall over the triumphant Thriller or any of the calculated records that followed in its wake. If he had lived, Jackson likely wouldn't have followed this path -- everything from Bad and beyond showed he was acutely aware of pop trends, often to his detriment (he'd hold himself back instead of engage) -- but that's also the appeal of Xscape. Timbaland and Reid evoke the Michael Jackson we all love and miss, finding songs that are worthy and giving them arrangements that are simultaneously nostalgic and modern. It's a difficult trick to pull off but they largely succeed, so Xscape is a worthy and memorable coda to Jackson's career. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine

  1. 1.[LPレコード]


    1. 1.
      Love Never Felt So Good

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    2. 2.

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    3. 3.
      Loving You

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    4. 4.
      A Place With No Name

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

  2. 1.[LPレコード]


    1. 1.
      Slave to the Rhythm

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    2. 2.
      Do You Know Where Your Children Are

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    3. 3.
      Blue Gangsta

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    4. 4.

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson

    5. 5.
      Love Never Felt So Good feat.Justin Timberlake

      アーティスト: Michael Jackson


アーティスト: Michael Jackson

アーティスト: Justin Timberlake



マイケル・ジャクソン3年半振りの “ニュー・アルバム“『XSCAPE(エスケイプ)』のアナログ盤。1983年から1999年の間にレコーディングされたマイケル8曲の完全未発表曲を、世界を代表するプロデューサーたちが「コンテンポライズ(現代化)」した8曲に加え、1stシングル「Love Never Felt So Good」のジャスティン・ティンバーレイクとの時空を超えたデュエット・バージョン(CDではデラックス盤のみに収録)も収録!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2014/05/15)

Rolling Stone - 3.5 stars out of 5 -- "'Loving You' follows the wonderful, breezy legacy of 'Rock With You' and 'The Way You Make Me Feel.'" Entertainment Weekly - "XSCAPE's greatest accomplishment is that these do sound like MJ songs....The anxious, sequin-gloved funk of the title track feels fresher than anything on his last official album, 2001's INVINCIBLE."

Underneath it all, underneath all the keyboards and programmed rhythms designed to bring the music on Xscape into the 21st century, is this simple fact: the lead single, "Love Never Felt So Good," was co-written by Paul Anka, a superstar of another era who never quite made his presence known in the new millennium. Jackson didn't care. MJ loved old show biz and songcraft in equal measure and that love can be heard on "Love Never Felt So Good," along with the other seven songs on XSCAPE. Only the second major posthumous release in his catalog -- he passed in 2009 on the eve of an orchestrated comeback -- Xscape delves deep into that past, excavating songs that have been languishing in the vaults for various reasons since at least 1983 or perhaps later. Exact dates aren't published because Xscape isn't meant to be an archival release, it's designed to push Jackson back onto the charts, which means "Love Never Felt So Good" is constructed as a duet with Justin Timberlake, who is as eager as a puppy to sing with his idol. That he's not really trading lines with MJ doesn't matter; his presence is endorsement, ensuring chart attention which it might not have received. The deluxe edition of Xscape contains the original demos of the eight songs on this album -- it's a short record by any measure -- and, ultimately, these are fascinating in a way the finished tracks aren't; these spare voice and keyboard sketches are nevertheless full-bodied, so it's possible to imagine how the songs would've fit on Bad, Dangerous, or Invincible. Often, the demos reveal how strong Jackson's songwriting is -- they're so flexible, they could withstand any number of arrangements, which is why "Love Never Felt So Good" is so instructive. In its original voice-and-piano arrangement it's possible to hear its glitzy show biz roots via Anka, but the production -- supervised by L.A. Reid and Timbaland -- is clever, accentuating Off the Wall while being spare and clean enough to sound modern. This is especially true of the version of "Love," which is a duet with Justin Timberlake -- the show biz kid is happy to create an illusion -- but the entire affair is savvier than 2010's Michael, which was caught between the twilight of sentiment and commerce. Xscape considers Jackson's legacy quite carefully, deciding to emphasize the splashy soul and diluted disco of Off the Wall over the triumphant Thriller or any of the calculated records that followed in its wake. If he had lived, Jackson likely wouldn't have followed this path -- everything from Bad and beyond showed he was acutely aware of pop trends, often to his detriment (he'd hold himself back instead of engage) -- but that's also the appeal of Xscape. Timbaland and Reid evoke the Michael Jackson we all love and miss, finding songs that are worthy and giving them arrangements that are simultaneously nostalgic and modern. It's a difficult trick to pull off but they largely succeed, so Xscape is a worthy and memorable coda to Jackson's career. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine

4年ぶりのニュー・アルバム。ポール・アンカと共作したジョニー・マティスへの提供曲を今風のブギー・モードにリサイクルした“Love NeverFelt So Good”をはじめ、さまざまな時期に録音されていた8曲が、ティンバランドらの采配で見事に現代化されている。デラックス・エディションにはリアレンジ前の音源が〈オリジナル・ヴァージョン〉として収録されているのも嬉しい配慮。歌も音もクォリティーは流石に圧倒的です。
bounce (C)大原かおり



