
Suicide (2019 Remaster)




在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2019年07月26日
国内/輸入 輸入(ヨーロッパ盤)
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 5053825360
SKU 4050538253603

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:32:01
Suicide: Martin Rev, Allen Vega. Suicide: Alan Vega (vocals); Martin Rev (synthesizer). Includes a bonus disc of live recordings. Suicide: Alan Vega (vocals); Martin Rev (keyboards). Personnel: Martin Rev (electronics). Audio Remasterer: Denis Blackham. Liner Note Author: John Doran. Recording information: Ultima Studios, New York. Photographers: Adrian Boot; Anthony Casale; Curtis Knapp; Stephanie Chernikowski; Paul Zone; Marty Thau; Edward Mapplethorpe. Arranger: Suicide. Seven years after the duo's inception, Suicide's debut album finally sneaked out in 1977 on the coat tails of the nascent New York punk scene. If its aim had been to confuse, startle, or repulse, SUICIDE succeeded in spades. By the same token, if a part-time sculptor and avant-garde jazz musician form a two-chord synthesizer duo and call it Suicide, commercial considerations are presumably low on their list of priorities. SUICIDE was a record destined to have future journalists reaching for words like "seminal". Synth duos start here. SUICIDE's bleak, one-act plays of violence and sexual deviance, and that lo-fi monotone punctuated by sleazy groans and horrifying screams, still induce nervous tension despite the passing years. To hear Alan Vega, an Elvis caricature out of time, crooning "Girl" is unsettling enough. When he acts out the desperation of "Frankie Teardrop" over the strictly controlled minimalism of Martin Rev's grinding keyboard and time-bomb rhythm, you're guaranteed a listening experience quite unlike any other.
エディション : Remaster

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Ghost Rider

      アーティスト: Suicide

    2. 2.
      Rocket USA

      アーティスト: Suicide

    3. 3.

      アーティスト: Suicide

    4. 4.

      アーティスト: Suicide

    5. 5.

      アーティスト: Suicide

    6. 6.
      Frankie Teardrop

      アーティスト: Suicide

    7. 7.

      アーティスト: Suicide


アーティスト: Suicide




ラモーンズやパティ・スミス、テレヴィジョンなどが登場し、パンク・シーンが盛り上がりつつあったニューヨークでCBGBやMax's Kansas Cityといった会場でライヴを行い、その挑戦的なライヴ・パフォーマンスで評判を集めていたスーサイド。1977年にリリースされたセルフ・タイトルのデビュー・アルバムは、ビートが突っ走るミニマルなシンセ・サウンドに、時にスポークン・ワードやシャウトが混じるクールなヴォーカルが乗っかっていくアヴァンギャルドなアンダーグラウンド・スタイルで、リリースされた当時、賛否両論を集めたという。

『ローリング・ストーン誌が選ぶオールタイム・ベストアルバム500』の1枚にも選ばれた、スーサイドのデビュー・アルバムがリリースから40年以上を経て最新リマスターで蘇る。今回リリースされるリイシュー盤の音源は、Skye マスタリングのDenis Blackhamによってリマスターされたもの。またブックレットには、音楽/カルチャー・ウェブサイト、The Quietusのジョン・ドランによる、スーサイドがシーンに与えた影響を"時代"、"重要人物"、"ソングライティング"、"プロダクション"、"インパクト"そして"レガシー"といった項目から綴ったライナー・ノーツが、当時の貴重な写真が交えながら掲載されている。

発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/06/21)

Spin (8/98, p.139) - 10 (out of 10) - "...SUICIDE itself is beyond classica, a spare, claustrophobic collection that bottled big-city paranoia like nothing before or since. In spite of many attempts, no one has ever come close to replicating its monolithic vibe....Suicide didn't gesture at the surrounding darkness so much as point us toward the light..." Q (7/01, p.90) - Included in Q's "50 Heaviest Albums of All Time" - "...Musically representing an utterly debased humanity - knackered keyboards and a cheapo drum machine. The sound was Kraftwerk go rockabilly in hell..." Q (5/02 SE, p.142) - Included in Q's "100 Best Punk Albums". The Wire (3/98, p.58) - "...attests to their terrifying immediacy....The dominant tone is dark, dripping off-white, run through with thin veins of lurid color....This is the kind of raw power that makes your hair stand on end. This kind of music is what electricity is for." The Wire (3/98, p.58) - "...attests to their terrifying immediacy....The dominant tone is dark, dripping off-white, run through with thin veins of lurid color....This is the kind of raw power that makes your hair stand on end. This kind of music is what electricity is for." Mojo (Publisher) (3/03, p.76) - Ranked #36 in Mojo's "Top 50 Punk Albums" - "...A primitive synth and a swooning, screaming rockabilly voice spun tales of darkness..." Pitchfork (Website) - "The godfathers of no wave use bits of punk, post-punk, and disco, connecting them all through attitude."

Proof that punk was more about attitude than a raw, guitar-driven sound, Suicide's self-titled debut set the duo apart from the rest of the style's self-proclaimed outsiders. Over the course of seven songs, Martin Rev's dense, unnerving electronics -- including a menacing synth bass, a drum machine that sounds like an idling motorcycle, and harshly hypnotic organs -- and Alan Vega's ghostly, Gene Vincent-esque vocals defined the group's sound and provided the blueprints for post-punk, synth pop, and industrial rock in the process. Though those seven songs shared the same stripped-down sonic template, they also show Suicide's surprisingly wide range. The exhilarated, rebellious "Ghost Rider" and "Rocket U.S.A." capture the punk era's thrilling nihilism -- albeit in an icier way than most groups expressed it -- while "Cheree" and "Girl" counter the rest of the album's hard edges with a sensuality that's at once eerie and alluring. And with its retro bassline and simplistic, stylized lyrics, "Johnny" explores Suicide's affinity for '50s melodies and images, as well as their pop leanings. But none of this is adequate preparation for "Frankie Teardrop," one of the duo's definitive moments, and one of the most harrowing songs ever recorded. A ten-minute descent into the soul-crushing existence of a young factory worker, Rev's tense, repetitive rhythms and Vega's deadpan delivery and horrifying, almost inhuman screams make the song more literally and poetically political than the work of bands who wore their radical philosophies on their sleeves. ~ Heather Phares


Suicide (2019 Remaster)|CDアルバム
2022/02/12 タカノさん
Suicide (2019 Remaster)|CDアルバム
2020/05/08 よしさん
Suicide (2019 Remaster)|CDアルバム
歴史的名盤の2019年リマスター盤!少し前には③がCHANELのCMでも少し流れていたので耳馴染みがあったりするのかもわかりませんが、歴史的な一枚なので聴かない以外の選択肢はないかと。最近ではゆるめるモ!がアートワークをオマージュしてたりTHE NOVEMBERSがカバーをしてたりと、リスペクトは止みまない!誰にもマネ出来ない傑作。
2020/04/23 湯さん

