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Live From The Artists Den






在庫状況 について


フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2019年07月26日
国内/輸入 輸入(International Version)
構成数 2
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 7763197
SKU 602577631979

構成数 : 2枚
合計収録時間 : 02:26:27
The first posthumous release from Soundgarden is Live from the Artist's Den, a hefty set documenting a hefty concert originally aired on PBS' long-running series during its sixth season in 2013. At the time Soundgarden gave their Artist's Den concert at the Wiltern in Los Angeles, they were three years deep into their reunion and in the midst of promoting their 2012 comeback album King Animal. All this means is that the stars aligned for Soundgarden to give a concert where they dug deep into their catalog -- a two-and-a-half-hour show, presented in full as a double-CD, quadruple-LP, and single Blu-ray, depending on what format you like. The set list doesn't skimp on the hits, but they're strategically placed, surrounded by deep cuts (the group digs out "Blind Dogs," a song they contributed to the soundtrack of The Basketball Diaries in 1995) and material from King Animal. All the unexpected song selections help give the album a slight edge that contrasts with the exceptionally polished presentation. The band wears its middle age well, sounding focused and more exacting than they did in the '90s, yet still undeniably vigorous. That Soundgarden sustains that energy throughout a marathon is a testament to their strength as musicians, and that Live from the Artist's Den maintains its interest throughout its two and a half hours is a testament to the depth of their catalog. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Incessant Mace
    2. 2.
      My Wave
    3. 3.
      Been Away Too Long
    4. 4.
      Worse Dreams
    5. 5.
      Jesus Christ Pose
    6. 6.
    7. 7.
    8. 8.
    9. 9.
      By Crooked Steps
    10. 10.
      Blind Dogs
    11. 11.
    12. 12.
      Non-state Actor
    13. 13.
      Drawing Flies
    14. 14.
      Hunted Down
    15. 15.
      Black Saturday
    16. 16.
      Bones of Birds
    17. 17.
      Blow Up the Outside World
  2. 2.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Fell On Black Days
    2. 2.
      Burden in My Hand
    3. 3.
      A Thousand Days Before
    4. 4.
      Blood On the Valley Floor
    5. 5.
      Rusty Cage
    6. 6.
      New Damage
    7. 7.
      4th of July
    8. 8.
    9. 9.
      Black Hole Sun
    10. 10.
      Ty Cobb
    11. 11.
      Slaves & Bulldozers
    12. 12.


アーティスト: Soundgarden


2013年の全米ウィンター・ツアーの最終日2/17にテレビ番組用に収録し、熱心なファンの間でもリリースを待ち望んでいた声が多い音源。「Spoonman」、「Burden In My Hand」、「Black Hole Sun」等のヒット曲はもちろんライヴ音源では初収録となる「Blind Dogs」が聴けるのが嬉しい。脂の乗り切った歌唱のクリス・コーネルの圧倒的な存在感をファンならずとも改めてこの作品で感じて欲しい。
(C)川崎店:奥本 啓輔

再結成後の彼らが、2013年に人気音楽番組"Live from Artists Den"の為にロサンゼルスのThe Wiltern Theaterで収録したスペシャル・ライヴ!「Black Hole Sun 」「My Wave」「Spoonman 」等のヒット曲に加えレア曲も多数演奏。17曲が初ライブ音源化、初のライブ演奏となった「Blind Dogs」も収録し、ファンも唸る圧巻の内容!類まれなる声質、音域と声量を持ち合わせたクリス・コーネルの生前の歌声に涙。 (C)郡山店:堤 展明

サウンドガーデンが2013年の全米ウィンター・ツアーの最終日である2月17日に、人気音楽番組"Live from Artists Den"のためにロサンゼルスのThe Wiltern Theaterで収録したスペシャル・ライヴ。新曲やおなじみのヒット曲に加え、番組用のレア曲も披露した特別なセットリストだったため、熱心なファンの間で音源化が最も待たれていた。29曲、2時間半にも及ぶ、サウンドガーデン屈指のパフォーマンス。
17曲が初音源化。特に「Blind Dogs」がライヴで演奏されたのは本作収録音源が史上初。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/05/17)

Clash - "LIVE FROM THE ARTISTS DEN stands as a unique snapshot, one of alternative music's biggest names looking both back and forward with a smile." Pitchfork - "[A] career retrospective given right when the group seemed resurgent."

The first posthumous release from Soundgarden is Live from the Artist's Den, a hefty set documenting a hefty concert originally aired on PBS' long-running series during its sixth season in 2013. At the time Soundgarden gave their Artist's Den concert at the Wiltern in Los Angeles, they were three years deep into their reunion and in the midst of promoting their 2012 comeback album King Animal. All this means is that the stars aligned for Soundgarden to give a concert where they dug deep into their catalog -- a two-and-a-half-hour show, presented in full as a double-CD, quadruple-LP, and single Blu-ray, depending on what format you like. The set list doesn't skimp on the hits, but they're strategically placed, surrounded by deep cuts (the group digs out "Blind Dogs," a song they contributed to the soundtrack of The Basketball Diaries in 1995) and material from King Animal. All the unexpected song selections help give the album a slight edge that contrasts with the exceptionally polished presentation. The band wears its middle age well, sounding focused and more exacting than they did in the '90s, yet still undeniably vigorous. That Soundgarden sustains that energy throughout a marathon is a testament to their strength as musicians, and that Live from the Artist's Den maintains its interest throughout its two and a half hours is a testament to the depth of their catalog. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine|



