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The Return




¥ 996 (40%)オフ




在庫状況 について



フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2019年09月13日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルNinja Tune
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 ZENCD258
SKU 5054429138085

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 01:17:50
Arriving two years after Birds and the BEE9, a mixtape strong enough to win the Australian Music Prize, The Return is the long-awaited debut album by rapper, songwriter, and poet Sampa the Great. The vast, ambitious full-length reflects several years of constant, intense soul-searching, and its songs and interludes revolve around themes of identity, homecoming, and self-empowerment. Sampa was born in Zambia and raised in Botswana before settling in Australia, and her African heritage shapes the sound of the album, which is filled with lush, polyrhythmic instrumental arrangements and spirited vocal chants. Opening song "Mwana" (meaning "child" in the Zambian language Bemba) features guest vocals by Sampa's mother and sister, and the lyrics express the pain of self-discovery. She also contemplates her place in the music industry on tracks like "Freedom" and "Grass Is Greener," ruminating on how to maintain artistic freedom and what to compromise in order to be successful, as well as how to keep up the appearance of being fine when there are a multitude of problems brewing inside. "Any Day" is specifically about representation within the industry, calling for more black journalists and booking agencies. Through it all, Sampa remains optimistic and indefatigable, and her triumphant spirit is best exemplified by the infectious "OMG," a giddy celebration of her culture which she describes as sounding like the music she grew up hearing. Her skills on the microphone have significantly improved, and she raps much harder than on her earlier material. Though her music incorporates a wide variety of jazz, soul, and African influences, her dedication to hip-hop is never more apparent than on the victorious "Final Form," a black power anthem with a strong, 9th Wonder-inspired beat. The final stretch of the album is much mellower, from the heartfelt reflection of "Summer" (featuring London jazz crew Steam Down), through the meditative "Give Love" and "Don't Give Up," and ending with the peaceful resolution "Made Us Better." While the album's 78-minute running time might seem overwhelming at first, one assumes that Sampa felt that she couldn't have edited it down, as every statement carries deep personal significance. Full of insight and inspiration, The Return is an impressive, powerful work. ~ Paul Simpson

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Mwana (feat. Mwanje Tembo, Theresa Mutale Tembo, Sunburnt Soul Choir)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    2. 2.

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    3. 3.
      Wake Up (Interlude)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    4. 4.
      Time's Up (feat. Krown)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    5. 5.
      Grass Is Greener

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    6. 6.
      Dare To Fly (feat. Ecca Vandal)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    7. 7.
      Any Day (feat. Whosane)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    8. 8.

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    9. 9.
      Light It Up (Interlude)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    10. 10.
      Final Form

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    11. 11.
      Heaven (feat. Whosane)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    12. 12.
      Diamond In The Ruff (feat. Thando, Krown)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    13. 13.
      Leading Us Home

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    14. 14.
      Summer (feat. Steam Down)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    15. 15.
      Brand New (feat. SILENTJAY)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    16. 16.
      Give Love (Interlude)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    17. 17.
      The Return (feat. Thando, Jace XL, Alien, Whosane)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    18. 18.
      Don't Give Up (feat. Mandarin Dreams)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great

    19. 19.
      Made Us Better (feat. Blue Lab Beats, Boadi, Lori)

      アーティスト: Sampa The Great


アーティスト: Sampa The Great


Little Simzの次はこの人!
ケンドリック・ラマー、ジョーイ・バダス、ハイエイタス・カイヨーテらのラブコールを受けツアーサポートも務めた女性MCの新作がNINJA TUNEよりドロップ。トラディショナルなヒップホップからネオソウルに出自であるアフリカ音楽のフレイヴァーも感じさせるトラックがCOOL!メロディアスながら力強いフロウも超格好良いです。まずはM-10を! (C)京都店:伊藤 達彦

Kendrick Lamar、Hiatus Kaiyote絶賛!Little Simzを猛追する大注目MC Sampa The Great待望の最新アルバム!

Hiatus Kaiyoteのホーム・レーベル<Wondercore Island Records>より2015年にリリースされたミクステ作品「The Great Mixtape」が主要音楽メディアに絶賛され、Kendrick LamarやThundercat、Joey Bada$$ら人気アーティストがツアー・サポートに指名するSampa The Greatが待望の最新アルバム『TheReturn』を<Ninja Tune>よりリリース!!本作はザンビア生まれ、ボツワナ育ち、そして現在はメルボルンを拠点とする彼女の色が出た彼女にしか作れない作品であり、クラシック・ヒップホップから古くからの南アフリカの音楽まで様々なサウンドが参照されて制作された。各トラックのプロダクションにはSlowthaiのプロデューサーとして名を馳せるKwes Darko、メルボルン・シーンのキーマンSilentjay、Hiatus KiayoteのメンバーであるClever Austin Blue Lab Beats 、Syreniscreamyがプロダクションを担当し、Jonwayne (Stones Throw)、MsM (Skepta/Boy Better Know) 、Andrei Eremin (グラミーノミネートしたHiatus KaiyoteとChet Fakerのエンジニアを担当)がミキシング・エンジニアで名を連ねるなど彼女の才能に惚れ込んだ強者たちが一堂に集結。自身のルーツとも向き合った音楽的なソウルサーチングを経て、自信に溢れたステイトメントがここに完成した。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/07/24)

Arriving two years after Birds and the BEE9, a mixtape strong enough to win the Australian Music Prize, The Return is the long-awaited debut album by rapper, songwriter, and poet Sampa the Great. The vast, ambitious full-length reflects several years of constant, intense soul-searching, and its songs and interludes revolve around themes of identity, homecoming, and self-empowerment. Sampa was born in Zambia and raised in Botswana before settling in Australia, and her African heritage shapes the sound of the album, which is filled with lush, polyrhythmic instrumental arrangements and spirited vocal chants. Opening song "Mwana" (meaning "child" in the Zambian language Bemba) features guest vocals by Sampa's mother and sister, and the lyrics express the pain of self-discovery. She also contemplates her place in the music industry on tracks like "Freedom" and "Grass Is Greener," ruminating on how to maintain artistic freedom and what to compromise in order to be successful, as well as how to keep up the appearance of being fine when there are a multitude of problems brewing inside. "Any Day" is specifically about representation within the industry, calling for more black journalists and booking agencies. Through it all, Sampa remains optimistic and indefatigable, and her triumphant spirit is best exemplified by the infectious "OMG," a giddy celebration of her culture which she describes as sounding like the music she grew up hearing. Her skills on the microphone have significantly improved, and she raps much harder than on her earlier material. Though her music incorporates a wide variety of jazz, soul, and African influences, her dedication to hip-hop is never more apparent than on the victorious "Final Form," a black power anthem with a strong, 9th Wonder-inspired beat. The final stretch of the album is much mellower, from the heartfelt reflection of "Summer" (featuring London jazz crew Steam Down), through the meditative "Give Love" and "Don't Give Up," and ending with the peaceful resolution "Made Us Better." While the album's 78-minute running time might seem overwhelming at first, one assumes that Sampa felt that she couldn't have edited it down, as every statement carries deep personal significance. Full of insight and inspiration, The Return is an impressive, powerful work. ~ Paul Simpson|

ビッグ・ダダ経由で世に出たザンビア系オーストラリアンのラッパー/シンガーが、ニンジャ・チューンから新作を発表。ジャズやアフロ色の濃い音の曼荼羅を柔軟な歌心で自在にフロウする作法はジョージア・アン・マルドロウ的でもあり、アーシーなネオ・ソウル絵巻としてアルバム・トータルで楽しめる佳作だろう。サイレントジェイを交えてスタイリスティックスを歌い込む"Brand New"などがいい塩梅。
bounce (C)狛犬



