
Rory Gallagher [4CD+DVD+ハードバック・ブック]<限定盤>




在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2021年09月03日
国内/輸入 輸入(International Version)
構成数 6
パッケージ仕様 ボックス
規格品番 3544312
SKU 602435443126

構成数 : 6枚
合計収録時間 : 03:48:53
エディション : Reissue
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
    2. 2.
      Just the Smile
    3. 3.
      I Fall Apart
    4. 4.
      Wave Myself Goodbye
    5. 5.
      Hands Up
    6. 6.
      Sinner Boy
    7. 7.
      For the Last Time
    8. 8.
      It’s You
    9. 9.
      I’m Not Surprised
    10. 10.
      Can’t Believe It’s True
  2. 2.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Gypsy Woman[Tangerine Studio Session]
    2. 2.
      It Takes Time[Tangerine Studio Session]
    3. 3.
      I Fall Apart[Tangerine Studio Session]
    4. 4.
      Wave Myself Goodbye[Tangerine Studio Session]
    5. 5.
      At the Bottom [Alternate Take 1]
    6. 6.
      At the Bottom [Alternate Take 2]
    7. 7.
      At the Bottom [Alternate Take 3]
    8. 8.
      At the Bottom [Alternate Take 4]
    9. 9.
      Advision Jam
    10. 10.
      Laundromat [Alternate Take 1]
    11. 11.
      Just the Smile [Alternate Take 1]
    12. 12.
      Just the Smile [Alternate Take 2]
    13. 13.
      I Fall Apart [Alternate Take 1]
    14. 14.
      Wave Myself Goodbye [Alternate Take 1]
    15. 15.
      Wave Myself Goodbye [Alternate Take 2]
  3. 3.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 1]
    2. 2.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 2]
    3. 3.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 3]
    4. 4.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 4]
    5. 5.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 5]
    6. 6.
      Hands Up [Alternate Take 6]
    7. 7.
      Sinner Boy [Alternate Take 1]
    8. 8.
      Sinner Boy [Alternate Take 2]
    9. 9.
      Sinner Boy [Alternate Take 3]
    10. 10.
      For the Last Time [Alternate Take 1]
    11. 11.
      For the Last Time [Alternate Take 2]
    12. 12.
      For the Last Time [Alternate Take 3]
    13. 13.
      It’s You [Alternate Take 1]
    14. 14.
      It’s You [Alternate Take 2]
    15. 15.
      I’m Not Surprised [Alternate Take 1]
    16. 16.
      I’m Not Surprised [Alternate Take 2]
    17. 17.
      Can’t Believe It’s True [Alternate Take 1]
  4. 4.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      For the Last Time
    2. 2.
    3. 3.
      It Takes Time
    4. 4.
      I Fall Apart
    5. 5.
      Hands Up
    6. 6.
      For the Last Time
    7. 7.
      In Your Town
    8. 8.
      Just the Smile
    9. 9.
    10. 10.
      It Takes Time
  5. 5.[DVD]
    1. 1.
    2. 2.
      Hands Up
    3. 3.
      Wave Myself Goodbye
    4. 4.
      It Takes Time
    5. 5.
      Sinner Boy
    6. 6.
      For the Last Time
    7. 7.
      The Same Thing
    8. 8.
      I Fall Apart
  6. 6.[書籍]


アーティスト: Rory Gallagher


ロリー・ギャラガー、衝撃の1971年ソロ・デビュー・アルバム『Rory Gallagher』のリリース50周年を記念する、クラシック・ロック・ファン垂涎の4CD+1DVDボックス!

■Barrie Wentzellによる未発表写真、書き下ろしエッセイ、メモラビリア他を掲載した32ページ・ハードバック・ブック付

4枚のCDには、オリジナル収録10曲のニュー・ミックス、未発表音源30曲、BBCラジオ番組『John Peel Sunday Concert』からのライヴ6曲、BBCスタジオ・ライヴ4曲を収録。
さらに、フランス/パリでTV番組『Pop Deux』のために収録されたギャラガー初のソロ・コンサートを約50分に亘って記録したDVDも収録。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2021/07/21)

Rory Gallagher's solo debut picks up where On The Boards left off - it's a solid, but significantly less raucous, blues rock outing with ten original tunes that were far more than skeletons for his incisive Strat picking. "Laundromat," "Hands Up," and "Sinner Boy"'s distinctive riffs were early concert favorites, but the album's ballads were some of Gallagher's strongest. "For the Last Time," "Just the Smile" and the acoustic "I'm Not Surprised" mixed strains of Delta blues with strong melodic sensibilities into songs of rare poignancy, especially for an artist who was best known for his scorching leads. In this respect Gallagher was an early model for Eric Clapton, whose solo career followed a similar path. Interestingly, Gallagher seems rather restrained throughout his debut, holding back the fret-burning in favor of strong songs. He opens up on the album's jazzy, seven-minute finale "Can't Believe It's You" which even features an alto sax, an instrument Gallagher all but abandoned on later albums. 2000's reissued, remastered version of the disc includes two additional tunes, Muddy Waters' slow Delta blues number "Gypsy Woman" and Otis Rush's fast Chicago shuffle "It Takes Time," both cut at the same sessions. "Gypsy Woman"'s slashing slide guitar and vocals sound as impassioned any other track; shuffle "It Takes Time" isn't quite as impressive but still shows how comfortable Gallagher is with straight blues. Brother/compiler Donal Gallagher's track notes are short but illuminating, and the remastered sound, although not as vibrant as on later reissues of Gallagher's catalog, is a big improvement over any existing version of this consistently superb album. ~ Hal Horowitz


Rory Gallagher|CDアルバム
アイルランドのブルースギターヒーロー、ロリーギャラガーの1stアルバム。1曲目のラウンドロマットから飛ばしていますが、途中で沁みるブルースナンバー「wave myself goodbye」を挟むなど、飽きさせない展開で1枚通して聴いてしまいます。taste時代の作品よりもソロ作品の方が好きです。
2020/04/27 Kimさん
2007/04/11 ozzyさん

