(C) 2022 Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift(R)
Used By Permission. All Rights Reserved.
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/09/23)
Midnights isnt a retreat so much as a return, a revival of the moody electro-pop that kept Reputation roiling. Where that 2017 record carried a measure of defiance, the vibe of Midnights is contemplative even when beats are insistent, as they are on occasion. Despite these fleeting moments of urgency, the record is clearly a soundtrack to be played in the wee hours of the morning. In that sense, Midnights is a kindred spirit to Folklore and Evermore, the twin 2020 albums Swift released during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet those records felt like collections of short stories where these songs -- whether in their standard 13-song variation or the lengthy "3 AM Edition" which runs an additional seven tracks -- all feel like confessions, even if they display the sense of exacting lyrical detail shes honed since Lover. These compositions provide a sturdy foundation on a record that wants to capture the aimless suspension of late-night insomnia, a time filled with regret, recriminations, and resignations. Swift spikes this moodiness with hints of steeliness -- witness the cool swagger of "Vigilante Shit" -- but thats merely an accent on an album designed to deliver variations on one specific mood. Although this monochromatic palette tends to highlight the limits of co-producer Jack Antonoffs bag of tricks -- nothing here feels surprising, even when hes playing with textures and teasing out the musics dream pop elements -- the narrow focus is the main attribute of Midnights, as it plays to Swifts sense of control and craft: she may be singing about messy emotions but she sculpts those tangled feelings into shimmering, resonant songs. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine
ミレニアム期に匹敵するフィジカルのセールスを叩き出す一方、ストリーミングでもキャリア最高の成功を掴んで、まさに無双状態。再録シリーズを別にすれば2年ぶりのアルバムとなるが、今回はインディー・ファンも惹き付けたオルタナ・フォーク路線ではなく、ジャック・アントノフをメインに起用してメランコリックなテイラー流のベッドルーム・ポップ作品に仕上げてきた。サウンウェイヴも助力したドリーム・ポップ"Lavender Haze"を筆頭に、ラナ・デル・レイとのコラボ"Snow On The Beach"など、アンビエントなシンセやドラムマシーンのチルな響きをキーにしながら多彩なアレンジで独特の深みと没入感を生み出している。彼女の何度目かの黄金期もこの創造性があればまだまだ磐石だろう。恐れ入りました。
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