圧倒的な歌唱力と強烈な存在感で唯一無二の個性を放つネイ・パーム (g、vo) を中心に、ポール・ベンダー (b)、サイモン・マーヴィン (key) 、そしてペリン・モス (ds) の4人から成るハイエイタス・カイヨーテ。
エリカ・バドゥ、ジャイルズ・ピーターソン等が大絶賛し注目を集めたバンドのデビュー・アルバムにして、ヒット曲「Nakamarra」を収録した『Tawk Tomahawk』、そして結成から4年の時を経て、ソウル、R&B、ジャズ、フュージョン、いずれのジャンルにも収まらないバンドが実現したかった型破りな世界観が一気に開花したセカンド・アルバム『Choose Your Weapon』、ファン必携の2作品!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/11/02)
As with Sweden's Little Dragon, New Zealand's Electric Wire Hustle, and Denmark's Quadron before them, Australia's Hiatus Kaiyote gained notice through a loose network of figures that promotes and/or creates progressive R&B and hip-hop. KCRW's Garth Trinidad and BBC Radio 6's Gilles Peterson were among the first DJs to pick up on them, and the likes of ?uestlove, Erykah Badu, and Flying Lotus expressed enthusiasm. Tawk Tomahawk, homemade and self-released in 2012, also impressed Salaam Remi, who signed the band to his Sony-distributed sub-label Flying Buddha. Led by singer, songwriter, and guitarist Nai Palm, whose slightly scratchy voice croons and howls one moment and then soothes and attacks the next, the band alternates between straight and crooked R&B. They're rooted primarily in decades-old forms of jazz, funk, and soul, yet they sound modern through abstract hip-hop twists and delightful weirdness. Five tracks are two minutes or shorter and leave lasting impressions. "Ocelot" is wickedly choppy with Palm's voice left raw and imposing: "My, my, my ocelot tongue is sharp and I'll eat you up." The knotted "Boom Child" is funky enough to cause animated scowls, while the instrumentals "Rainbow Rhodes" and "Sphinx Gate" make for a twinkling, dreamlike succession. The other five tracks are fully developed songs. "Nakamarra" is the least complicated of the bunch and is warm and relaxed enough to pass for a cover of a Soulquarians project, though it's hard to imagine even Bilal coming up with "We two will breathe, aqua queen/Though vast distance between us, heart sails with love." The stormy "Lace Skull" resembles Grace-era Jeff Buckley, especially though the jabs and spirals from Palm's guitar, while "Malika" has an alluring ebb-and-flow quality. Even with the addition of a Q-Tip-enhanced version of "Nakamarra" here, the album is succinct at 35 minutes. It seems to pass by in a small fraction of that time. ~ Andy Kellman
〈Sound Of なんちゃら〉よりよっぽど信頼の置けるジャイルズ・ピーターソンの〈Brownswood Bubblers〉に早々と名を連ね、花道を用意されたメルボルンのソウル・カルテットの初作が待望の銀皿化。野性味と艶を併せ持つナイ嬢の歌声、バンドの確かなプレイヤビリティーが鳴らすジャムでエリカ・バドゥやクエストラヴ、チャンス・ザ・ラッパーまで虜にした本作は、ジャジーな"Nakamarra"(Q・ティップ参加ヴァージョンも収録)を筆頭にグラスパー~ホセ耳で楽しむのがいまの気分。なんでしょうが、間に挿まれる小品の数々(もっと長尺で聴きたい!)からどこへでも行けそうな出口がたくさん見えてくる点こそが重要かと。後ろ盾についたサラーム・レミが今後どう料理していくのか非常に楽しみであります。
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