
Desire, I Want to Turn into You<Metallic Copper Vinyl>






在庫状況 について


フォーマット LPレコード
発売日 2023年11月03日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルPerpetual Novice
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 PNR05
SKU 197187531394

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:45:26

  1. 1.[LPレコード]
    1. 1.
      Welcome to My Island
    2. 2.
      Pretty in Possible
    3. 3.
      Bunny Is a Rider
    4. 4.
    5. 5.
      Crude Drawing of an Angel
    6. 6.
      I Believe
    7. 7.
      Fly to You
    8. 8.
      Blood and Butter
    9. 9.
      Hopedrunk Everasking
    10. 10.
      Butterfly Net
    11. 11.
    12. 12.


アーティスト: Caroline Polachek



人気デュオ"Chairlift"のボーカルとして活躍し、BeyonceやTravis Scottに楽曲提供を行った経歴を持つ才女、Caroline Polachekの最新アルバムのフィジカルリリース盤!

2005年、コロラド大学在学中にAaron Pfenningと共にインディーポップデュオ、Chairliftを結成。2008年リリースのシングル"Bruises"がiPodのCM楽曲として採用されると一躍有名となる。
同バンドは2016年に解散してしまうが、バンド在籍時から現在に至るまで、ソロ活動のみならず、Blood OrangeやCharli XCXをはじめ数多くのアーティストとコラボレーションを行い、またBeyonceやTravis Scottに楽曲提供を行うなどマルチに活躍する。

2019年にはCaroline Polachek名義で初のアルバム『Pang』をリリース、各方面から大絶賛を受け、更に収録曲である"So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings"はTikTokで世界的なバイラルヒットとなる。
2023年2月に2作目となるフルアルバム『Desire, I Want to Turn Into You』をデジタルリリースしたが、同作のCD/LPのフィジカル盤をリリース。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/06/29)

With 2023s Desire, I Want to Turn into You, Caroline Polachek conjures her own Europop fantasy island. Written and recorded with her longtime collaborator Danny L. Harle, Desire, I Want to Turn into You finds Polachek unapologetically embracing her inner pop diva, purposefully referencing a 90s and early-2000s pop aesthetic. This is an album of balmy trip-hop grooves, where electric bass riffs, finger-snap beats, and sky-blue synths caress her angelically swooping vocals like dolphins chasing a boat. Its an immediately evocative vibe that she commits to, deftly walking a fine line between earnest romanticism and artful irony. Polachek is no stranger to cool indie stances having spent the early part of her career as one half of the electro duo Chairlift, a band who often played with their image and left fans to guess if their intentions were more art or pop. She carried this approach into her solo work with 2014s Arcadia (recorded under the alter ego Ramona Lisa) and 2019s Pang, both of which showcased her baroque, synth-based style. While none of the influences on Desire feel completely ironic and all of the emotions feel earned, there is a sense of humor at play. Its a wry artifice that Polachek commands throughout, whether its her spoken word rap on "Welcome to My Island" or the way she dances through the glass-mirror harmonies of "Billions" like Enya feeling herself after a difficult divorce. She even joins forces with guests Grimes and Dido on "Fly to You," an anthemic pastel snow cone of early-2000s new age techno that presents the singers as a kind of Three Muses of electro-pop. Theres also the sultry flamenco intensity of "Sunset" and clubby R&B of "Bunny Is a Rider." Adding emotional weight to Polacheks luminous pop is the sense that shes working through some tough experiences. Desire was recorded in the wake of her fathers death from COVID-19 in 2020, a person with whom she purportedly had a difficult relationship. His spirit hangs Prospero-like over the album, especially on the opening "Welcome to My Island" where Polachek sings, "I am my fathers daughter in the end/He says watch your ego, watch your head girl/Youre so smart so talented/But now the waters turning red/And its all your fault and its all your mess." With Desire, I Want to Turn into You, Polachek breaks free from outside expectations and transforms her inner anxieties into an intoxicating pop euphoria. ~ Matt Collar

過去にA.G.Cookがプロデュースに携わり、他とは一線を画す楽曲で瞬く間にポップアイコンとなったCaroline Polachekの新作。Pitchforkの年間ベスト・シングル2021に選出され軽快なリズムでアルバム内のアンセム《Bunny Is a Rider》や、ラテンポップのような《Sunset》で掴みは上々。後半ではGrimesが参加した《Fly To You》、ドラマチックな展開をみせる《Billion》などバリエーション豊かな楽曲揃い。幻想的な90年代のポップスを思わせる作品で、自身のサウンドプロダクションの才能を存分に発揮した珠玉の一枚だ。
intoxicate (C)石田真生

bounce (C)村上ひさし



