最高峰の白人ジャズヴォーカリストの一人クリス・コナー、超人気盤『Sings Lullabys For Lovers』
クリス・コナーは、1950年代に活躍した最も有名な白人女性ジャズ・ヴォーカリストの一人。ベツレヘムレーベルからのオリジナル盤、1955年のソロ作品(10インチ・アルバム)として発売された『Sings Lullabys of Birdland』と『Sings Lullabys for Lovers』のうちの一つ。2作でビルボードのチャート1.2フィニッシュを決めた。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/07/28)
Along with the 10" LP SINGS LULLABYS OF BIRDLAND, the similar format SINGS LULLABYS FOR LOVERS marked Chris Connors debut on Bethlehem Records in 1954. Recorded just a week apart in August of that year, LOVERS features completely different personnel than the Ellis Larkins-accompanised BIRDLAND. Here Connor is joined by bassist Vinnie Burke's quintet, which includes accordion and clarinet, and the session has an altogether more swinging, jauntier feel. Needless to say, Connor is in excellent voice at the start of her solo career as she tackles jazz standards like "Out Of This World," "Lush Life," and "Stella by Starlight." The accordion-clarinet combination adds a novel, reedy texture to the proceedings as well.