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Songs For A Tailor (Deluxe) [2CD+Blu-ray Audio+Blu-ray Disc]






在庫状況 について


フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2024年07月26日
国内/輸入 輸入
構成数 4
パッケージ仕様 ボックス
規格品番 ECLEC42878
SKU 5013929487840

構成数 : 4枚
エディション : Deluxe Edition

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune
    2. 2.
      Theme for an Imaginary Western
    3. 3.
      Tickets to Waterfalls
    4. 4.
      Weird of Hermiston
    5. 5.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon
    6. 6.
      The Ministry of Bag
    7. 7.
      He the Richmond
    8. 8.
      Boston Ball Game 1967
    9. 9.
      To Isengard
    10. 10.
      The Clearout
    11. 11.
      Ministry of Bag (demo)(ボーナストラック)
    12. 12.
      Weird of Hermiston (alternate mix)(ボーナストラック)
    13. 13.
      The Clearout (alternate mix)(ボーナストラック)
    14. 14.
      Ministry of Bag (alternate mix)(ボーナストラック)
  2. 2.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune
    2. 2.
      Theme for an Imaginary Western
    3. 3.
      Tickets to Waterfalls
    4. 4.
      Weird of Hermiston
    5. 5.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon
    6. 6.
      The Ministry of Bag
    7. 7.
      He the Richmond
    8. 8.
      Boston Ball Game 1967
    9. 9.
      To Isengard
    10. 10.
      The Clearout
    11. 11.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon (first demo)(ボーナストラック)
    12. 12.
      Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune (first attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    13. 13.
      Vikings (To Isengard) (first attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    14. 14.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon (second attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    15. 15.
      You Burned the Tables on Me (instrumental demo)(ボーナストラック)
    16. 16.
      Escape to the Royal Wood (On Ice) (instrumental demo)(ボーナストラック)
  3. 3.[Blu-ray Audio]
    1. 1.
      Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune
    2. 2.
      Theme for an Imaginary Western
    3. 3.
      Tickets to Waterfalls
    4. 4.
      Weird of Hermiston
    5. 5.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon
    6. 6.
      The Ministry of Bag
    7. 7.
      He the Richmond
    8. 8.
      Boston Ball Game 1967
    9. 9.
      To Isengard
    10. 10.
      The Clearout
    11. 11.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon (first demo)(ボーナストラック)
    12. 12.
      Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune (first attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    13. 13.
      Vikings (To Isengard) (first attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    14. 14.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon (second attempt)(ボーナストラック)
    15. 15.
      You Burned the Tables on Me (instrumental demo)(ボーナストラック)
  4. 4.[Blu-ray Disc]
    1. 1.
      Rope Ladder to the Moon


アーティスト: Jack Bruce


1968年11月のクリーム解散後のジャック・ブルースによる1STソロ・アルバム『Songs For A Tailor』は、それまでクリームで録音してきた音楽とは一線を画す多様なものにしようと、ジャズ、フォーク、クラシック、ロックの影響を様式的に取り入れた傑作。ロンドンのモーガン・スタジオで行われたレコーディング・セッションには、ジャックとプロデューサーのフェリックス・パパラルディが参加し、クリス・スペディング、ジョン・ヒーズマン、ディック・ヘックストール=スミス、ジョン・マーシャル、アート・テーメン、ヘンリー・ローサーといった英国屈指のミュージシャンが参加。中にはジョージ・ハリスンが参加したセッションもありました。
このデラックス・エディションには69年のオリジナル・アルバム・ミックス(オリジナル・マスター・テープから新たにリマスター)に加え、スティーヴン・W・テイラーによるアルバムの素晴らしいステレオ・ミックスと5.1サラウンド・サウンド・ミックス(オリジナル8トラック・マスター・テープから)、未発表セッションのアウトテイクとデモを収録。さらに1970年の素晴らしいドキュメンタリー『Rope Ladder to the Moon』もブルーレイで初収録。元々BBCによって上映されたこの映画は、ライヴ・パフォーマンスとジャックの遺産、人生、影響についての洞察を収録しています。まさにこの傑作の決定盤といえるボックスです!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/05/16)

With a live version of "Crossroads" going Top 30 for Cream, Songs for a Tailor was released in 1969, showing many more sides of Jack Bruce. George Harrison (again using his L'Angelo Misterioso moniker) appears on the first track, "Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune," though his guitar is not as prominent as the performance on "Badge." The song is bass heavy with Colosseum members Dick Heckstall-Smith and Jon Hiseman providing a different flavor to what Bruce fans had become accustomed to. Hiseman drums on eight of the ten compositions, including "Theme From an Imaginary Western," the second track, and Jack Bruce's greatest hit that never charted. With "just" Chris Spedding on guitar and Jon Hiseman on drums, Bruce paints a masterpiece performing the bass, piano, organ, and vocals. The song is so significant it was covered by Mountain, Colosseum, and a Colosseum spin-off, Greenslade. One has to keep in mind that the influential Blind Faith album was being recorded this same year (and according to the late Jimmy Miller, producer of that disc, Jack Bruce filled in for Rick Grech on some of the Blind Faith material). Bruce's omnipresence on the charts and in the studio gives the diversity on Songs for a Tailor that much more intrigue. "Tickets to Water Falls" and "Weird of Hermiston" feature the Hiseman/Spedding/Bruce trio, and though the wild abandon of Ginger Baker is replaced by Hiseman's jazz undercurrents, these are still basically two- to three-and-a-half-minute songs, not as extended as the material on Bruce's work on his John McLaughlin/Heckstall-Smith/Hiseman disc Things We Like recorded a year before this, but released two years after Songs for a Tailor in 1971. The history is important because this album is one of the most unique fusions of jazz with pop and contains less emphasis on the blues, a genre so essential to Bruce's career. Indeed, "Theme From an Imaginary Western" is total pop. It is to Jack Bruce what "Midnight Rider" is to Greg Allman, a real defining moment. "Rope Ladder to the Moon" has that refreshing sparkle found on "Tickets to Water Falls" and "Weird of Hermiston," but Bruce has only John Marshall on drums and producer Felix Pappalardi adding some vocals while he provides cellos, vocals, guitar, piano, and bass. Side two goes back to the thick progressive sound of the first track on side one, and has a lot in common with another important album from this year, Janis Joplin's I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama! Jack Bruce and Janis Joplin were two of the most familiar superstar voices on radio performing hard blues-pop. Joplin added horns to augment her expression the same time Jack Bruce was mixing saxes and trumpets to three tracks of this jazz/pop exploration. "He the Richmond" deviates from that, throwing a curve with Bruce on acoustic guitar, Pappalardi on percussion, and Marshall slipping in again on drums. But the short one minute and 44 second "Boston Ball Game, 1967" proves the point about the pop/jazz fusion succinctly and is a nice little burst of creativity. "To Isengard" has Chris Spedding, Felix Pappalardi, and Jack Bruce on acoustic guitars, a dreamy folk tune until Hiseman's drums kick in on some freeform journey, Spedding's guitar sounding more like the group Roxy Music, which he would eventually join as a sideman, over the total jazz of the bass and drums. "The Clearout" has Spedding, Hiseman, and Bruce end the album with progressive pop slightly different from the other recordings here. As with 1971's Harmony Row, Peter Brown composed all the lyrics on Songs for a Tailor with Jack Bruce writing the music. A lyric sheet is enclosed and displays the serious nature of this project. It is picture perfect in construction, performance, and presentation. ~ Joe Viglione


Songs For a Tailor|CDアルバム
2009/08/14 Nishaさん

