2009年のアルバム『Manafon』の12曲リミックスに加え、アルバム未収録曲「When We Return You Won't Recognise Us」を収録した『Died In The Wool』が初アナログ化
David Sylvian, Dai Fujikura, Jan Bang, Erik Honoré.によるリミックスを収録。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/12/05)
David Sylvian's MANAFON (2009) appeared as a collection of disciplined art songs that relied on his collaborators to inform not only their textures, but their forms. Those players -- Jan Bang, Evan Parker, John Tilbury, Dai Fujikura, Erik Honore, Otoma Yoshide, and Christian Fennesz among them -- created airy, often gently dissonant structures for Sylvian's lyrics and melodic ideas. Died in the Wool (MANAFON Variations) re-employs these players (with some new ones) in the considerable reworking of five of MANAFON's compositions. There are also six new songs that include unused outtakes, and two poems by Emily Dickinson set to music and sung by Sylvian. The new music here relies heavily on Sylvian's association with Fujikura: he composed, arranged, and conducted chamber strings that are prevalent. Where MANAFON's "Small Metal Gods" was orchestrated by acoustic guitar, laptop, electronics, bass, and cello, this one employs a string quartet that provides greatly expanded harmonics, which underscore the desolate power in Sylvian's lyrics. On "Snow White in Appalachia," strings shift the tune's original sonic gears into diffused, vaporous sonorities. On the title track, Fujikura uses a composed clarinet sample to introduce John Butcher's saxophone, a mixing board, an all-but-unrecognizable guitar, cymbals, and samples to stretch a narrative melody to its ghostly breaking point. Dickinson's poem, "I Should Not Dare," is a standout; its gentle, accessible melody, accompanied by Sylvian's acoustic guitar, is made sharper by Fennesz's electric and samples from Honore. Parker adds a gorgeous nocturnal saxophone line and Bang provides an unusual string arrangement to create the feeling of deep longing across great distance. "A Certain Slant of Light," also by Dickinson, is less formal but more moodily cinematic with its layers of samples. A delightfully fragmented redo of "Emily Dickinson" completes the sonic re-creation of her image as this set's Muse. On "Anomaly at Taw Head," Fujikura's string abstractions -- introduced by Parker's bluesy saxophone and Tilbury's minimal piano -- add dimension to Sylvian's open field melodic structure. The underlining poetic is tense, but seductive. There is a bonus second disc, too, in Sylvian's 18-minute sound installation "When We Return You Won't Recognize Us." It is a stellar, ambient work featuring Arve Henricksen, Butcher, the Elysian Quartet, Eddie Prevost, Toshimaru Nakamura, and Gunter Muller. It should be listened to on headphones to grasp all of its intricacies. Died in the Wool (MANAFON Variations) showcases Sylvian's restless discipline in expanding his music's parameters, and those of song itself, while offering even greater opportunities for his collaborators to influence its creation. ~ Thom Jurek
クリスチャン・フェネス、キース・ロウ、エヴァン・パーカー、大友良英、Sachiko M……と、名だたる即興演奏家がクレジットされたデイヴィッド・シルヴィアンの2009 年作『マナフォン』。世界各地で録音された即興演奏の上をデイヴィッドの漂うような詩とメロディーが折り重ねられた逸品だ。この美しき冒険の再解釈として制作されたのが本作『Died In The Wool』である。 本作は当初、ロンドン在住の現代音楽家・藤倉大が『マナフォン』の楽曲素材をもとに弦楽のアレンジ/コンポーズを施す、という主旨のものだったが、例のごとく即興的にその工程も変動し、遂には新曲6曲を含む内容となった。10代の頃よりデイヴィッドの音楽を聴いて育ち、現代音楽の巨匠、ピエール・ブレーズにも評価される若き才能との出会い。その相乗効果がもたらした結果はかくも瑞々しく挑戦的なものとなった。 冒頭から美しいストリングスが光のように射し込み、その張りつめた糸が自在に伸縮するタイトル曲では、重音奏法のクラリネットに、キース・ロウ、エディ・プレヴォらによるセッションの断片が加えられ、きめ細かなノイズがまさに毛織物のように耳をくすぐる。また、今は亡き盟友ミック・カーンに捧げられた《A Certain Slant OfLight》では、デイヴィッドらしいロマンチシズムもそうっと花を開き、胸をくすぐる。そして圧巻は18分に及ぶインスタレーション作品《When We Return You Won't Recognise Us》だろう。様々な即興演奏と藤倉指揮のセクステットが時と場所を越え、自由な音の組み合わせで新たな音楽の解釈を提示する。そしてその不安定なハーモニーをぎりぎりのところでこちら側に引き寄せるデイヴィッドの歌。それはクラシックとポップ・ミュージックという両極端で思考する実践の共感と反発であり、今、微光を発しながら回転を始めたまったく新しいドローン解釈ともいえる。
intoxicate (C)久保正樹
bounce (C)村尾泰郎